Ofer Lellouche and the Alchemical Skull

  Ofer Lellouche and the Alchemical Skull Arturo Schwarz  A couple of huge faceless heads, in which two deep furrows hint at deep-set sightless eyes, stare at us. The nose is another sinister cavity and the mouth is effaced, mute, non-existent. It is speechless. The heads, molded with art, spell silence. A silence, which, in the words of the alchemist Michael Maier, resounds like thunder. Death is absolute silence. Did Lellouche wish to create a head or, unconsciously reluctant, a skull? Indeed, a work of art is always, in one-way or another, also…Read more

Ruvim Matskin Izrailevich

  Ruvim Izrailevich Matskin was born in 1926 in Kryvy (Ukraine). In 1955 he graduated from Kharkov State Art School, and in 1970 joined the Kharkov Artists' Union. Since 1963 he worked at the Industrial Art dep. of the UkrSSR Art Fund. In the late 1880s he and his family moved to Israel. Matskin passed away in 2002.  Read more

Raffi Kaiser

  Raffi Kaiser was born in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1931. He studied at the Fine Arts School in Tel-Aviv, at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and later at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence. In the early 60s he lived in Toscany and studied Medieval and Renaissance art. Kaiser moved to Paris in 1962. He participated in many group exhibitions and held one man exhibitions in several galleries worldwide. Kaiser is the only living western artist whose works were presented at the Musée Guimet in Paris. His works are shown in…Read more

Tatjana Bergelt

    TATJANA BERGELT born 1966 in East-Berlin, Germany [email protected] EDUCATION • 1985 – 90 • Master of Fine Arts, Hochschule für Kunst und Design Burg Giebichenstein Halle, Germany • 1989 – 90 • University of Arts Tallinn, Estonia, 1-year exchange student as part of German studies • 1990 – 96 • Master of Fine Arts, Ecole Nationale Superiéurè des Beaux-Arts à Paris, France • 1993/94 • University of Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts, two times 3-month exchange student, as part of French studies • 1996 – 97 • DAAD artist residency in…Read more

Nadav Lipchitz

  Nadav Lipchitz was born in Tel-Aviv in 1987. He lives and works in Tel-Aviv. Nadav works with pencil, charcoal, acrylic and oil on paper, card board and canvas. His works are expressionist, figurative and abstract. Lipchitz is an autodidact. Group Exhibitions: Shorashim Art Gallery (Tel-Aviv) – 2008 Rawart Gallery (Tel-Aviv) – 2009 Halalit Gallery (Tel-Aviv) – 2010 Zadik Gallery (Jaffa) – 2010 One-man exhibitions: Idelson Gallery - 2006  Read more